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20 Feb 2017


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Iodine deficiency is among the widely spread diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization, 800 million population of our planet are ill with enlarged thyroid glands (endemic goiter) of which 45 million are mentally retarded. This information motivates people to be vigilant.

Iodine is a main microelement to product for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland of hormones that influence the development of all organs and systems.

According to the recommendations of the World Health organization, depending on the age of the daily needs of the people in mind are as follows:

Children under 6 years of age need to take 90k mcg. iodine a day. This need will grow depending on the age. For example, in the age range 6-12 120 mcg., 12 years and above that up to 150 mcg., pregnant and lactating women need to take 250 mcg iodine a day.

In women with endemic goiter iodine deficiency can lead to the death of the fetus. If her body suffers from iodine deficiency child's brain doesn’t develop, there will b a chance of baby's being giving birth to mentally retarded. One of the most effective methods of avoiding such negative consumption is consuming iodized salt.

There are truly reasons being chosen salt for adding iodine:

Salt is one of the food products consumed by all strata of society, irrespective of their social and economic background, and almost the same quantities and on a regular basis. Thus, the iodine added to salt is received in the same amount by all the people during the year.

Mixing salt with iodine is considered as a safe and a simple method.

The main part of the world production of salt is obtained from sea water and contains natural iodine. We only restore the component of natural sea salt with evaporation of water with iodine and salt with iodine.

Salt iodization (with the help of potassium iodide or potassium iodate) doesn’t change the taste, smell and color of the salt. In other words, iodized salt and not iodized salt almost not differ from ach other.

We are often asked question like “Is it possible to treat the patients with iodine deficiency with the help of tablets contain iodine that is Yodid 100, Yodid 200, antistrumin and in our country? These drugs do not make a solution of iodine deficiency diseases across the country. It is a difficult issue to cover all layers of the population with these drugs. It may be recommended not only for children and adolescents, but also for pregnant and lactating women.

Iodized salt being produced by salt producing enterprises play an important role in preventing iodine deficiency. Therefore, the main focus is essential to consume iodized salt. While purchasing salt really need to pay special attention to the quality and whether it is iodized.

     Yayrakhon QULDASHEVA,

     the highest category endocrinologist.

Read 2132 times Last modified on 20 Feb 2017
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