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Газетамизнинг янги сони сизга манзурми?
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18 Aug 2016


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(№ 34, 2016 y.)

We don’t always follow doctors’ advice like not lifting heavy things, not straining the organism above limit, not doing acute and risky attempts. The possibility of encountering serious problems will increase due to our carelessness to our health. The appearance of invertebrate herniated discs is one of these problems.

The following may cause invertebrate herniated discs:

- increasing of inner stomach pressure;

- hard physical labour;

- lifting heavy load mort ha body weight;

- becoming difficult of urine seperation;

- constipation;

- straining on women during maternity time.

Invertebrate herniated discs can be treated in a conservative way i.e without medicine. Curing this illness with the help of water treatment is widely spread these days.

The appearance period of hernia has a very big importance. The one till 3 months is easy and the hernia from 3 till 6 months is considered as stable. Besides an attention is paid to the size of hernia. If it is less than 9 millimeters it can be treated without interference of surgery.

This disease is not fearful and uncurable at all, if it is still “new” it is treated easily. If an interference of surgery is appointed no need to scare. A surgery operation which wasn’t done on time may become a two hours’ difficult operaion. Because supplement of organs squeezes in the hole of hernia with blood goes bad and vitality of organs dies out because of rambling on nerve fibres, a patient feels a strong pain in this case. During hernia attack pain is continuous and the patient will be in a shock condition. Only an immediate surgery operation can save patient’s life.

It is not allowed to do the following in such cases:

- try not to standing in moist and draught places;

- control your body weight, don’t be fat;

- go in for gymnastics (swimming for example); which strengthens the muscle waist and stomach;

- if you work in a sitting position stand up and walk every one hour;

- keep your figure straight while walking, sitting;

- get accustomed to sleeping on a hard mattress;

- try not to read and watching TV lying;

- don’t lift heavy things, keep back from intends attempts.

- vibromassage is not allowed, because its power is very high.

- it is not permitted to rub strongly where hernia exists. Otherwise there will be a risk of pressing the place of fibres.

- doing various exercises standing in a vertical position is also dangerous. It may strain the muscles.

- don’t make a massage by yourself!

- it is not allowed to rub wiping painkiller ointment regularly!

 The illness happens in 3 steps; our advice is to contact the doctor as soon as the signs of illness are determined.

In the first stage of sickness the dimension of hernia is 2-3 mm. Gives a strong pain over the vertebra. In the second stage this sickness is characterized with a permanent pain. The size will be 8-15 millimetres. In the third stage the pain is too strong and affects to nerve system. Puts the patient to not being able to walking condition.


Read 1917 times Last modified on 19 Dec 2016