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Газетамизнинг янги сони сизга манзурми?
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22 Sep 2016


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(№ 39, 2016 y.)

In recent years the case of food poisoning including botulism disease is being observed in several countries of the world. According to the analysis, most cases of food poisoning are happening by the consumption of the poor quality of the canned products prepared at home. Below we listen to views and comments of regional infectious diseases hospital doctor Jamilakhon Oripova on origin of botulism, what should be paid attention to in preventing it and peculiarities related with the disease:

- The horribleness of botulism disease is that it develops in hermetically sealed container too. Botulotoksin makes a poison in a place where there is no oxygen. And this poison will kill the patient if a medical assistance is not shown on time. The cases of being ill with botulism disease are met in our country either. It is important to strengthen explanatory work among the population, developing medical culture in the family, approaching of each person to their health with responsibility in preventing this.


Botulism is mostly happens as a result of consumption of bad canned products.

Headache, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea at first and constipation are the first clinical signs of the disease. When such conditions occur fast medical assistance or doctor should be immediately contacted.  As a result of home treatment the disease hard forms of the disease - cardiovascular and lung disease may occur, patient's life may be in danger. It is advised for these patients to have a treatment in infectious diseases hospital of course. Because the reserve of serum and other medicines used for the treatment of botulism in those medical facilities were arranged.


Eating outside doesn’t mean consuming the meal just brought to you. Cleanliness of the place you are eating, cooks’ attention to this guarantees the eater’s health. If there is an infectious disease on the kitchen staff or their other organs this disease may transmit to the client too. Virus of the disease can also be settled on dirty clothes too. In order to avoid this the staff working in public eating centers must have a qualified knowledge. They must thoroughly know properly cooking technologies, storage of products and processing, manufacturing, distribution, use of tools, washing, dishes, disinfection rules, and culture of service!

Now the most dangerous product in eating meal is various vegetable salads in canned jars. Mainly they are prepared at home and marinated and when they are put on sale in the winter or in the spring, no one controls its quality and expiry date. In most cases, people suffer from acute poisoning – botulism disease by consuming such canned vegetables. The cases of poisoning from some products purchased from the shop are also observed. After the customer has bought the product from the store, he leaves it in the kitchen. The product which should be stored at a temperature of +5 degrees according to its label loses the quality in 20-30 degrees heat in the kitchen. Also microorganisms in the air fall down into the product and break its quality. Soon a person will get poisoned when this product is consumed.


- Try to buy the product being purchasing for consumption from the shops selling in maintained established order, give a guarantee for the quality;

- Pay attention to know whether there was any certificate that defines the quality of the product and its label;

- Keep household products only in the refrigerators;

- Try not to eat the product being kept in high-temperature;

- Pay attention to the coherence of the meal. In other words note the conformity of the products being eaten with the next one. For example, drinking unboiled water with fatty food, eating too fatty food with dessert can cause stomach imbalance and poisoning case.

Umida ADIZOVA wrote down.

Read 2314 times Last modified on 19 Dec 2016