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Андижон шаҳар, Навоий шоҳкўчаси, 71- уй
Газетамизнинг янги сони сизга манзурми?
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04 Aug 2016


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(You should Know this!)

* According to the statistics of World Health Organization, a fetus doesn’t develop properly in 30-70% of smoking women. Or it falls down before the time. Their weight is much less than the weight of children born in time.

* Alcoholic drinks crash women’s nervous and endocrine systems and in the end cause not having a child.

* The mental development of children of smoking men occurs twice as slow during pregnancy.


* The fetus suffers from lack of oxygen due to mother’s smoking a cigarette.As a result, fetus’s development slows down. The child is born with physical (defect in the liver, joints) or mental defects

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