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Olive oil is the elixir of beauty


Olive oil is considered as the most useful one among oils. Stomach and intestines diseases can be treated with the help of it. In general, olive oil has a lot of useful features. Olive oil can also be called as the elixir of beauty. It moisturizers the skin, improves its color and removes the wrinkles.

1. Humidifying. Olive oil moisturizers not only the skin, but also restores it, treats effectively the inflamed areas. Therefore, the specialists recommend putting olive oil for people with extremely dry skin and sunburn.

2. Removing the makeup. If you are allergic to cosmetics, then use olive oil as a toilet cleaner. Put on the eyes for a few minutes just dipping a cotton wick into oil. Then wipe the color on the eyes using a massaging motion.

3.  Strengthening the hair. Olive oil is one of the best means to strengthen weak hair. Warming the oil a little, put depending on the roots and length of the hair.

4.   Лаблар учун малҳам. Куз ва қиш мавсумида лаблар тез қуриб қолади, ёрилади. Лабларингизни яна аввалги ҳолатига келтириш ва лаб териси тикланиши учун бир хил миқдордаги зайтун мойи ва асалари мумини аралаштиринг. Сўнгра ана шу аралашмани кун давомида бир неча маротаба лабларингизга суртинг.

4.  Lotion for lips. The lips are rapidly dry up, burst during the fall and the winter. Mix the same amount of olive and bee wax in order to bring lips to prior conditions and for the restoration of the skin of the lips. Then, put this mixture to your lips for several times during the day.

XOSIYATXON prepared.



A round table discussion on the topic "Important tasks in improving the medical literacy of the population" was held with the initiative of the women's committee of the city of Khanabad in a city medical association.

In this event that was organized in collaboration with a city medical association, city department of the spiritual propaganda center doctors, patronage nurses, members of the working groups "Health," working in the neighborhoods participated in it and  exchanged views on the implementation of the tasks arising out of the aforesaid the dialogue with representatives of the health sector of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev on January 5 of this year, as well as increasing the medical literacy of the population, forming healthy lifestyle in families, among the population.

      The event was attended by the deputy mayor of the city, the chairman of the women's committee M. Hoshimova, the head of the medical association G’. Yusupov, head of city department of the spiritual-propaganda center T. Muradova and others and they made a speech, gave their comments, proposals and recommendations on improving the work in this direction, rising to a qualitatively higher level, strengthening the cooperation between local activists and patronage nurses.

     In addition, protecting the health of women of childbearing age, pregnant women, children, lone elderly people, disabled and in need of social patients, in general, improving the quality and efficiency of health care services to the population, in particular, the importance of strengthening the propaganda work to improve the health literacy of the population in labor unions, community and educational institutions were stressed.

Ma'muraxon YUSUPOVA,

      Chairman of the primary organization of women's committee of medical association of the city of Khanabad.





Why do white spots appear on the skin? What are the factors that cause it? What should be focused on in order to avoid it? Head teacher of the chair of skin and venereal diseases of Andijan state medical institute Muhabbatkhon Yoqubova spoke the following about this and other questions which were interesting to us.

- White spots on the skin start with the first appearance of pink stain. They become white later and make white spots in various sizes on the skin. The disease is called "vitiligo" in a medical language. These are white spots that appear on the skin or mucous membrane skin and there are many factors that cause it. If its appearance is associated with liver disease in some patients, in others it can cause nervous system disorders.

Psychologically strong


An appearance and increase of white spots on the skin affects mostly to his mental condition than human health. A variety of adverse circumstances in the life of a man that is a strong fear, nervousness caused by mental shots are mainly the origin of many skin diseases. These are the causes of the disease, nervous system disorders, endocrine, immune system and metabolic changes.


Vitiligo, that is, the appearance of white spots can be seen in various ages, even in the 1-2 month old infants. This is because of endocrine changes as a result of lack of vitamins during pregnancy in the expectant mother's body. During pregnancy a fetal hypoxemia that is due to the lack of oxygen and other substances to the body of a child vitiligo can be appeared in a child. It’s not clear whether the disease goes to a child from pregnant mother or not. Hormonal changes are seen in teenage children age, this is also one of the causative factors of the disease.

Unlike other skin diseases, patients diagnosed with vitiligo do not have to follow the diet. However, consuming more natural products, following a healthy lifestyle are recommended to such patients.


If this disease is not treated in time, white spots may increase on the skin and spread throughout the body. Typically, the affected areas don’t pain and itch. It is recommended accepting the drug with sedative effect mood disorder cases on patients, to be upset or angry with minor issues to deal with depression cases, tenacity for strengthening the nervous system, to deal with enforcement.

Nutrition of cells in the organism breaks during the nervous tension. And these cells directly participate in forming protective pigments of the skin i.e as a result of nervous tension the cells which give a color to the skin die.

First of all, this disease appears in a small size on the patient’s skin. According to some reasons, the skin color, which is called mellanotsit cell will die in the skin and then the surrounding cells will be in the same situation. As a result from time to time, a white spot size area will become bigger in patients. If the patient contacts a specialist when spots like a point appear taking into account these factors a doctor dermatologist puts an accurate diagnosis and uses a targeted treatment method. Then the treatment will be effective.

Мuazzam IBROHIMOVA recorded.



Iodine deficiency is among the widely spread diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization, 800 million population of our planet are ill with enlarged thyroid glands (endemic goiter) of which 45 million are mentally retarded. This information motivates people to be vigilant.

Iodine is a main microelement to product for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland of hormones that influence the development of all organs and systems.

According to the recommendations of the World Health organization, depending on the age of the daily needs of the people in mind are as follows:

Children under 6 years of age need to take 90k mcg. iodine a day. This need will grow depending on the age. For example, in the age range 6-12 120 mcg., 12 years and above that up to 150 mcg., pregnant and lactating women need to take 250 mcg iodine a day.

In women with endemic goiter iodine deficiency can lead to the death of the fetus. If her body suffers from iodine deficiency child's brain doesn’t develop, there will b a chance of baby's being giving birth to mentally retarded. One of the most effective methods of avoiding such negative consumption is consuming iodized salt.

There are truly reasons being chosen salt for adding iodine:

Salt is one of the food products consumed by all strata of society, irrespective of their social and economic background, and almost the same quantities and on a regular basis. Thus, the iodine added to salt is received in the same amount by all the people during the year.

Mixing salt with iodine is considered as a safe and a simple method.

The main part of the world production of salt is obtained from sea water and contains natural iodine. We only restore the component of natural sea salt with evaporation of water with iodine and salt with iodine.

Salt iodization (with the help of potassium iodide or potassium iodate) doesn’t change the taste, smell and color of the salt. In other words, iodized salt and not iodized salt almost not differ from ach other.

We are often asked question like “Is it possible to treat the patients with iodine deficiency with the help of tablets contain iodine that is Yodid 100, Yodid 200, antistrumin and in our country? These drugs do not make a solution of iodine deficiency diseases across the country. It is a difficult issue to cover all layers of the population with these drugs. It may be recommended not only for children and adolescents, but also for pregnant and lactating women.

Iodized salt being produced by salt producing enterprises play an important role in preventing iodine deficiency. Therefore, the main focus is essential to consume iodized salt. While purchasing salt really need to pay special attention to the quality and whether it is iodized.

     Yayrakhon QULDASHEVA,

     the highest category endocrinologist.



Rachitis is a general disease of the organism of children in fast growing age, and is caused by vitamin D deficiency. In this case calcium and phosphorus metabolism dysfunction, impaired bone mineralization.

This disease shows a negative impact on the formation and development of organism of young children. Although the disease is mild, it seriously damages the health of children, their normal growing up. Every mother should have an understanding of this disease, when symptoms of the disease are known a doctor should be consulted immediately.

When the disease starts, the child becomes irritable, is afraid of a small thing, can not sleep well, cries a lot, a lot of sweating, especially absorbing, crying and fell asleep, his head on the pillow and friction. Therefore, the hair on the back of his head falls down. If the child is not treated in a timely manner, the disease becomes strong, changes in the bones appear. Because the accumulation of salts of calcium becomes less in the bones of children suffering from rickets. Forehead and the top of the skull sticks out, stiff branches are bent. Chest of the children who were sick with rickets and didn’t take a treatment may become crooked.

Rachitis damages not only bones and muscle, but also damages the tissues, relaxes them. As a result of gathering of air in the intestines and the muscles stretch, the stomach becomes big. Due to bones and muscles are weak sick child sits late and walks late, teeth appear too late too. Children with rachitis often become sick with influenza, pneumonia, infectious diseases, suffer from constipation or goes to toilet without stopping.

In order to prevent rachitis adequate nutrition for the child, timely additional food, fresh air walking, swimming, vitamins, including vitamin D, comply with the regime must be followed. In addition, the child’s frequently examination by a doctor is also important. Prevention work related to the prevention of rachitis should start before the child is born.

A pregnant woman should drink vitamin D 1.5 - 2 months before giving birth. Month-born children are given vitamin starting from 2 weeks. Its amount is determined by the doctor. Vitamin is not given to child higgledy-piggledy, otherwise may remain a variety of complications. It is also allowed to give thoroughly washed and dried peel of eggs, and then you can drink making it too small. In addition, according to the recommendation of a doctor, it is also useful to give an aqueous solution of vitamin D trim.

Dear mothers! Don’t forget that your child’s suffering from rachitis in many ways depends on you.




teachers of Andijan State Medical Institute.



Now pumpkin is in its ripe stage. Therefore, we remind you the following about the useful peculiarities of pumpkin.

There is 11 percent sugar, C1, B2, B1 vitamins, nicotinic acid, carotenoids, elateritsin A, fotosterolls, as well as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, micro elements like iron in beef component of pumpkin.

50 percent fat, 35 percent of vegetable protein, sugar, amino acids, tyrosine, fittings, salicylic, malic acid, kukurbital fitosterin, tar, C, B vitamins and karotonoids in the component of seeds are very useful for the human body.

Pumpkin is widely used as a useful melon in folk medicine. If boiled soup made from it is recommended in chest pain, dry cough, boiled in water meat part of its fruit is consumed as a diuretic in kidney disease. Its juice is given as a drug to patients infected with grease. If the soft part of pumpkin is pressed and crushed on the shingles it will be cure.

The great doctor Ibn Sino suggested that it was good consuming the pumpkin covered and baked, stirring with sugar in the improvement of constipation. He used its sweet in throat pain and diseases of the brain.

It is recommended to put covered and baked pumpkin on hand, foot pains. If the meat part is cremated, mixed with vegetable oil ulcers applied ointment. We recommend the consumption of seeds of pumpkin in the treatment of worming.

A lot of species of pumpkin are grown in our land.  As noted above, it has got a lot of useful features. At least once a week, pumpkin consumption is useful for the human body. Therefore, we recommend to all to eat this gift which is both cheap and natural.


UMIDA prepared.



Lemon is considered as the most miracle one among the fruits. Therefore, it plays an invaluable role in human health. Especially, it is very useful in the respiratory tract, throat diseases, and viral infections.

Due to the high content of vitamin C in lemon it increases the ability of immune system of fighting against infections in the body. In addition, lemon gives a positive effect on the tone of the heart muscle, strengthens blood and walls, blood vessels, and prevents choking of blood vessels atherosclerosis and vessel cholesterol pokes clogging. Consuming lemon without sugar gives more benefit. It does not lose its beneficial peculiarities in this case. When the nervous system is sick and tired, smelling the lemon again and again raises mood, gives energy to heart.

But the flesh of lemon is harmful to the stomach. Therefore, the fruit and its juice is not recommended for those patients diagnosed with gastritis.

The origin of lemon goes back to the Himalayas mountains in India, and then spread to other parts of the world from there.

There is the following story about lemon in Caucasus: In ancient times a servant of one of the kings was punished. Angry king ordered to throw the servant into prison and to give him only the same food. When asked about which food he let the servant choose it himself. The prisoner asked lemon from them and told the surprised guards: "The smell of the lemon raises my mood, its bark and seeds become energy to my heart, the pieces fill the position of food, juice satisfies my thirst ". As it is known from this the medicinal of lemon was known since ancient times.


     Mohichehra HAMIDOVA prepared.



Experts recognize that the date has the following useful features.

     1. The date makes strong the heart, liver and kidney.

2. Keeps a normal balance of acid of the organism..

3. Feeds the blood.Very useful in anemia and hypertension.

4. Raises the immune system.

5. Provides the storage of useful micro floras in intestine

6. Improves pulmonary function.

7. Calms the cough. Removes excess moisture in the body.

8. Serves as a tool to support and improve tone.

9. Restores power after continuous illnesses.

10. Helps in physical fatigue and tired.

11. The dates can be consumed by people with diabetes.

12. Reduces the risk of cancer diseases.

13. Helps in facial nerve capillaries paralyzed.

14. Very useful for pregnant women. Helps in the body's first milk production.

15. Those who want to lose weight can consume it instead of sweets.

     16. Improves the activity of brain.

17. A man can consume only the date for a long time. It can give all the necessary nutrients to the body.

  As noted above, the date is so useful gif, the more we eat it, the more benefits it gives for our health. We can consume the dates more at the same maturity time today.



Prepared: Minurakhon BOZOROVA, a doctor.



This is the end of the autumn and the beginning of cold winter. During autumn months, even in these days, we can see that some of our country mates collecting tree leaves – fall leaves, garbage and burning them. Of course this is a serious negative impact on public health, causes an environmental damage to the environment.

The smoke appearing from burning fall leaves, garbage harmful gases cause the lungs, different allergic diseases in people. Toxic substances in the component of garbage break the exchange of oxygen in the blood and can harm the nervous system. The worst thing is the poison appearing from burning the garbage adversely affects the activity of the heart. Especially, half-burned fall leaves release toxic gas from itself. The smoke of fall leaves reduces the oxygen content of the atmosphere. It damages respiratory tract, eyes, and central nervous system of the person who breathed from toxic gases, air saturated to harmful substances.

Thus, it is seen, a man may have caused the worsening of his health himself. For this reason, we must never allow nature, environment pollution, and contamination. As an environment is so clean and neat and at the same time if we follow a healthy lifestyle we won’t have health problems.


     Olesya ROGOJNIKOVA,


a teacher of academic lyceum at ASMI. 



    In the event that was held in connection with the 1st of December - an international day of struggling against AIDS in cooperation with the regional AIDS center and initial organization of ASU "Kamolot" youth’s social movement professor-teachers, students participated and exchanged their views on the subject.

It was suggested that a large-scale work were being carried out on the origin of this disease which had become a global problem, and preventing it’s spread, showing high quality medical help to citizens, increasing the effectiveness of awareness-raising activities among the population in the event.

Lectures were read by the doctors and experts of the regional AIDS center on subject. Detailed information was given to the participants about the disease and its prevention. Performances which were reflected bad consequences of the disease performed by the students made a great impression on all.

-Today AIDS has become a global problem, says deputy chief doctor of the regional AIDS center Bahodir Ganiev. According to the World health organization, currently 34 million people on earth suffer from this disease called the plague of the century. Each year 2 million 700 thousand people are joining them. There is no any place in the world that this disaster didn’t exist. Unfortunately, people who were ill with AIDS infection exist in our country too. Therefore, a special attention is being paid to further strengthen the awareness-raising activities.

Advice, suggestions, ideas, and comments were given by experts and participants about increasing the effectiveness of awareness-raising activities in the event. Thematic booklets, visual materials were distributed to participants by the organizers during the event.



A specialist of regional AIDS center